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argan: golden tree

argan: golden tree

argan: golden tree

Here, near this famous and rare tree i was born. In south of morocco, exactly in sidi ifni. I grew up playing in its shadow in 80’s of last century. In my childhood that tree means nothing for us but its delicious oil, big shadows and squirrels live in its trunk.

       Now, we knew that we were playing under rarest tree in the world. Trees we can not find anywhere else. Belongs to argania spinosa family ; lives up to 200 years and can give us fruits 2 times in the same year. 30 years ago we could buy littre of argan oil in 2.5 dollars but now it costs 20 dollars in my home town and more than that in other places.

       We can find argan tree in both roads from either marrakech or essaouira to agadir until south of guelmim, this region called souss and in agadir city , exactly  in SOUK ELHAD, we can buy argan oil and also see directly how women transform the fruit to oil.

      In past time, we use argan for only eating oil and using it as source of firewood. Now laboratories especially german found out many other uses of argan oil. They found out that this oil contains : 44% Oleic acid, 30% Alpha-linolenic acid, 12% Palmitic acid , 6% Stearidonic acid, 5% Linoleic acid and 3% Myristic acid. That is why a lot of cosmetics companies in EUROPE are more and more  interested What makes this oil very expensive.

      Forests of argan trees are protected now by moroccan authorities and designated as a UNESCO biosphere reserve. They do their best to make people understand they have a  treasure and a rare tree we should protect and be proud of. All cosmetics companies calls argan oil as « gold that grows on trees ».

  If you are interested to view argan trees and forests, you go directly visit agadir or essaouira and also region of AIT BAAMRAN near tiznit city ; there you can find small weekly markets and a lot of associations of argan oil.
  In 80’s years of last century, my grand mother could give me 5 liters  of argan oil but now she gives me only one litre a year when i visit her in summer. And when i go to agadir , i buy small bottles which i use to my hair. 

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