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marrakech the red city

marrakech the red city

marrakech the red city

it was 1998, when i visited marrakech for the first time. morrocans call this city as red one and they say that is because of the red of its walls. really it is so wonderful city, you feel a kind of rest when you walk a long street and i don’t know why? i think because of simplicity every where and every corner.
     marrakech , in center of Morroco, was founded in 1070. some historians says that the name of Marrakech is in reality AMOR N AKOCH what means in Amazigh language land of god ( amazigh is original people in morroco). people in Marrakech used to say : " marrakech is for poor men" because it was so cheap and with little money you can take a hotel and spend holidays, but now it is not. marrakech became the most visited city in morroco what means that it is no longer for poor men as they used to say.
     the most popular place is Djamaa lafna, the big square where everybody take place from 16:00 everyday. by night will be more crowded . there you can find Amazigh dancing, story tellers( in Arabic), snake charmers. Also in same place you can eat dinner especially the famous Tanjia.
    IN Marrakech, you find also a lot of places to visit like jardin Majorelle and menara and a lot of historic mosques. now, i have visited Marrakech many times and as soon as i arrive i go directly to Jamaa lafna. it is the favorite place for me in this magic city.

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